Category: Fort Wayne News

Exciting, Newcomer School Project Kickoff!

Jobsite Sign

A New School for a New Region 

Construction and Architectural Team

In Huntertown, IN, rows of shovels plunged into soft earth on a rainy morning, tossing soil across the gravel covering the site of a brand-new middle school in the Northern Allen County Schools community: Willow Creek. Backed by a row of earthworks equipment, NACS representatives, the Moake Park Architecture Team, and community leaders commemorated the start of the construction phase, eager to bring this dream project into the real world. 

Learning Path Opportunities  

This school, which will feed into Carroll High School once completed, will have features such as: 

  • Space to Accommodate Up to 1,000 students 
  • Span 185,500 Square Feet 
  • Administrative Space 
  • Gymnasium 
  • Student Library 
  • Cafeteria 
  • Auditorium 
  • Social/Study Spaces 
  • Band Room 
  • And More 
Hardhats and Shovels

These elements speak to the intentionality and preparation that NACS leadership has put into planning this project, as the Huntertown region is continually expanding, with neighborhood developments continuing to expand into all pockets of Northwest Fort Wayne. 

“This is just another step forward in our mission to ensure high quality, personalized education for every student.”

Wayne Barker, Superintendent, Northwest Allen County Schools 

Community Legacy 

This project was also made possible with the help of the Malcom and Hatch families, who agreed to sell sections of their land to be used to build Willow Creek.  

School Administration

“As we break this ground today, let’s look back and be thankful for the generations of Malcom’s and Hatch’s that have farmed this land and let us also look forward and envision the vibrant learning community that will soon take shape within the school walls that are constructed here. A community where curiosity is encouraged, talents are nurtured, and friendships are forged.”

Wayne Barker, Superintendent, Northwest Allen County Schools

We’re excited to serve on this NACS project, bringing more education opportunities to more families in the community! 

3 Powerful Takeaways from 2023

Canterbury Kindergarten Tour

An excerpt from our Q4 Newsletter

Company Milestones

2023 has been a great year for Weigand Construction. We have experienced measured growth and currently have a healthy backlog going into 2024. Many of you know that we have been providing Construction Management as Constructor (CMc) services to our private clients since 1994. In 2017, the state allowed public projects, such as schools, jails, courthouses, and more to be delivered in this manner.

The Partner Advantage

Our public partners have enjoyed the benefits associated with this method, and because of that, a large portion of our growth is attributed to CMc. This wouldn’t be possible without strong preconstruction and estimating services to set the table and an operations team that executes on promises made during our interviews.

Thanks to You

It’s a rewarding feeling to have our clients reach out to their peers to share their experiences with our team. Thank you for all of your hard work and partnering mentality when it comes to supporting our clients. It matters! We will continue to work as an extension of our clients and be more than just their builder. It’s all a part of what it means to embody the Weigand Difference

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Chris Sosebee

Director of Business Development

Parkview Southwest, New Outpatient Center Arrives in Fort Wayne

102023 022

Cutting the Ribbon 

Midwest Healthcare

Waves of cheers and celebration reverberated through the halls of the new Parkview Southwest facility as Dr. Greg Johnson, Regional Market President at Parkview Health, Gail Altekruse, Vice President of Operations at Parkview Southwest, and Larry Weigand, CEO of Weigand Construction, cut the ribbon, officially opening the building. What first began as an idea in 2018 concluded after five years of inspiration, determination, and hard work

“The Parkview team is excited about the opportunity to serve and extend our services in our community to this campus and this beautiful facility…”

Dr. Greg Johnson, Regional Market President, Parkview Health 

Strengthening Another Community 

Indiana Healthcare Services

Serving the Southwest region of Fort Wayne, the new facility centralizes and brings additions to the existing Parkview services off of Glencarin Boulevard. Known as the Parkview Southwest Outpatient Center, the building gives patients access to a host of healthcare offerings such as: 

  • Sleep Medicine 
  • Cardiology 
  • Colon & Rectal Surgery 
  • Emergency Medicine 
  • General Surgery 
  • Gastroenterology 
  • Cancer 
  • Neurosciences 
  • Orthopedics 
  • Podiatry 

“Our biggest consideration for bringing this group of services and this group of specialists to the Southwest part of Allen County was because, frankly, we were getting requests from other people that are part of the Parkview family that already come to Parkview for their healthcare, and they wanted something closer to their home and so we responded to that need.”

Gail Altekruse, Vice President of Operations at Parkview Southwest, Parkview Health

Excellence is Key 

Patient Experience

Aware of how important this project would be for the community, Parkview leadership knew that they wanted to offer only the best for those coming to receive medical care at this campus. 

“Rick Henvey, our CEO… has challenged us throughout this project to make this an excellent experience for our patients.”

John Bowen, President, Parkview Regional Medical Center & Affiliates, Parkview Health 

We’re proud to partner once again with Parkview Health and bring this vision to life through the Outpatient Center addition! 

Parkview Health
Midwest Healthcare
Indiana Healthcare
Hospital Design
Midwest Hospital
Indiana Hospital
Midwest Healthcare Campus
Healthcare Technology
Medical Clinic Patient Rooms
Medical Clinic Layout

New Beginnings as School Year Kicks Off!

An excerpt from our Q3 Newsletter

Diane Woodworth, Business Development Education Specialist

Welcome to the fall edition of the Weigand Newsletter! As a retired educator and school superintendent, I love this season. While working in K-12, I always enjoyed the new beginnings and fresh starts that each autumn brought as a new school year commenced.  

Now that I’ve retired from education, it still brings me joy seeing the yellow buses out and about, and the many students on playgrounds and practice fields as I drive by their schools.

These days, I thoroughly enjoy new cycles vicariously through observing these little moments. Here at Weigand, we hope you are also enjoying the fall season and that you have your own reasons to love the page turn it offers us as the air turns crisp and the leaves change color.

With so many changes happening in education across the country, it has left many people wondering what the year ahead has in store for students, teachers, and administrators alike. I’ll be discussing topics like this and more in my new series, the K-12 Corner, premiering in this edition of our newsletter!

Thanks for stopping by, we’ll see you later this year with more news and project updates!

Diane Woodworth

Diane Woodworth

Business Development Education Specialist

Another Downtown “Gem” Tops Out

From the Top 

The Pearl, a mixed-used development being constructed at 247 Pearl Street in downtown Fort Wayne, reached a significant milestone today with a festive steel topping out ceremony held at the construction site. The event marked the completion of the structural framework and symbolized the progress made on this exciting project. 

The crew building The Pearl

Weigand Construction and Surack Enterprises gathered to commemorate the placement of the final steel beam, which was signed by the construction crew as part of the ceremony. As the beam was lifted into place, adorned with an evergreen tree and an American flag, a sense of achievement and pride permeated the atmosphere. This moment marks a major milestone of the project, which has been in active construction since the spring of 2022. 

The Pearl will be another gem in our downtown.

Larry Weigand, CEO, Weigand Construction

The Tree and the Beam 

Larry gives some thoughts regarding the construction process

A time-honored tradition for hundreds of years, topping out ceremonies have been a staple of construction practiced by generations of builders across the globe. It is said that the pine tree, attached to the final beam, used to serve the purpose of signaling when wood frames were ready to cover, and symbolized. When the pine needles fell off the tree, it meant enough time passed for the timber to dry and cure. Though it is more symbolic than functional now, the pine tree is a special practice that binds its legacy to the builders that came before us. 

Down to the Numbers 

Throughout the course of the building phase, the construction crew at The Pearl has reached: 

The flag, banner, and tree getting lifted up with the beam
  • Over 11,000 yards of concrete poured to date. 
  • 50,000+ Weigand Construction man hours.
  • Over 100+ Field Staff on site and rising. 
  • 4000+ tons of rebar installed. 
  • Zero recordable accidents or safety incidents to date. 

By late summer in 2024, The Pearl will be completed, creating a new space for residents, employers, restaurants, and businesses to call home. It will feature: 

  • 76 Residential Apartments
  • 5 Live/Work Storefronts 
  • On-Site Residential Parking 
  • Mail and Delivery Hubspot 
  • On-Site Fitness Center 

“It’s going to be a further expansion of the downtown and particularly of The Landing.” – Chuck Surack, Founder and CEO, Surack Enterprises 

“Some of the tenants will take occupancy next year right around this time, and we are looking good as far as finishing up about a year from right now.” – Larry Weigand, CEO, Weigand Construction 

With the project’s slated completion date, we are eagerly anticipating the wonderful addition this will bring to the downtown skyline! 

Chuck Surack signing the beam
Chuck Surack, Lisa Surack, and Larry Weigand observe the beam
The banner signifying the union workers on the job
The final beam getting secured to the frame
Larry Weigand at the podium
The signal to raise the beam is given
The crew looks on as the ceremony commences
The final beam getting lowered
The crew listens during the ceremony

Fine Arts Facility Tops Out at Canterbury

Larry Speaking

Touch Down 

This August, we marked a momentous occasion and celebrated the completion of the steel framing at the new Canterbury Fine Arts Center. With an audience that included donors, architects, students, faculty, and staff, our crew carefully secured the final steel beam, a symbolic touch that signifies the culmination of this important phase. 

Fostering Artistic Passion 

Once finished, this 18,000 square-foot facility will provide students with a dedicated space to cultivate their artistic talents. From visual design to musical performance, acting in theatre to creating stunning artwork, or even recording audio, this center is meticulously crafted to offer learners an environment that will elevate their educational experience and empower them to pursue their dreams.  

The Fine Arts Center will feature: 

  • A Gallery 
  • 2D Art Studio 
  • 3D Art Studio 
  • Blackbox Theatre 
  • Theatre Dressing Rooms 
  • Music Classroom 
  • Choral Room 
  • Practice Rooms 
  • Recording and Podcasting Studios 
  • Media Lab 
  • And More! 

The wide range of artistic disciplines supported in the new building guarantee opportunities for students across a broad swathe of interests and focuses. For David Jackson, Head of School at Canterbury, the intent behind this project was to ensure that education in the arts wasn’t an after-school activity, but rather “a core part of the academic experience…This facility will ensure generationally that Canterbury students, and students from the Fort Wayne area will have access to an incredible arts education.” Jackson recognized the generous donations by the Surack and James families. Their philanthropy funded this $10.5M project, making a way for this dream to become a reality. 

The Next Step 

David Speaking

From here, our team will embark on the next steps, which involve enclosing the facility. We are eagerly looking forward to the day when students can step into this new home of the school’s Academy of Arts and embark on an exciting journey of creativity and discovery!  

Crane and Beam
David Speaking
Workers guiding the crane
Students and faculty watching the ceremony
Crane lifting beam
Worker tightening the final beam in place in the frame
Seating Area
Workers removing the cables from the beam

Noble County Wins Big at the APWA’s

We’ve got a Winner!

The Noble County Annex Project was recently awarded as the 2022 Project of the Year by the Indiana Chapter of the American Public Works Association! This building, which was assembled in the midst of Covid-19, opened its doors June 3rd of 2022. Congratulations to the Noble County and American Structurepoint for this well-deserved honor!

The Annex is part of a bigger whole that’s happening in Albion. The project created space for offices and departments in the existing, outdated courthouse. Now that the move is complete, the next step is updating the courthouse building. We look forward to the benefits our next Noble County job will bring to the community!

A special thanks to our project management team and our field operations crew. The successful construction of this facility would not have been possible without their expertise and dedication. Their commitment to the client, even when building during a pandemic, paved the way for all of us to accept this award.

5 Important Updates at Steuben County

Groundbreaking Speech.

The End of the Beginning

On Monday, April 10th, Weigand workers attached the final beams of the Steuben County Judicial Center’s frame, marking a new progress milestone for the project. When finished in 2024, the new facility will be over 56,000 square feet, making it the first new judicial system construction in over 150 years. The current Steuben County Annex, which was first built in 1867, has become increasingly outdated and unable to meet new municipal building accessibility requirements. After a period of putting together a plan that went between updating the Annex or creating an entirely new facility, community officials decided to move forward with starting from scratch with a new judicial center. 

Steuben Top Out

Bringing Officials Together

The 3 Story + Partial Basement structure brings several amenities and more space: 

  • 3 Courtrooms in the upper levels  
  • Offices 
  • Support Spaces 
  • Storage Areas 
  • Holding Cells 
  • Mechanical Spaces 

With a significant increase in square footage, Steuben County’s justice system will be able to bring most of its public offices into one single building. All but the Sheriff’s Department will transfer to the new building, including some additional offices like the Clerk of Courts, Probation Department, and the Steuben County Prosecuting Attorney’s office. 

Steuben Top Out

Project Dedication

Despite the challenges that come with construction during the winter months, our team has completed 210 consistent days of project operations, putting us one-third of the way through the schedule. Steel erection was completed in just 2.5 weeks, paving the way for preparations on the first-floor slab deck like stairs, decking, detailing, and welding.  

Starting from Rock Bottom 

The success of completing the steel topping would not have been possible without the expert work of Weigand’s concrete crew, however. Beginning the job in the basement, crews spent weeks safely excavating soil and creating the bottom level of the structure. This part of the project was finalized with a well-executed, 9,700 square foot concrete slab pour. From here, crews began work setting the foundation for the building’s first floor. These individual milestones created a base for pillars and steel framing to go up, allowing us to see the “skeleton” of the facility for the first time! 

Steuben Top Out

Homegrown Investment 

Students from Hendry Park Elementary School attended the topping out ceremony, and many locals have voiced in favor of this project. There was debate initially on whether the original judicial building should be a renovation project instead of an entirely new structure, but once a decision had been made, the community rallied behind the conclusion and saw this construction as an important next step for the region. The Steuben County Government, RQAW Architecture, and the City of Angola have also demonstrated their show of support, partnering with Weigand in this venture. However, this is not just a municipal project for the county. It’s also an opportunity for Weigand staff to invest directly in the places they call home. Five employees from our firm reside in Steuben, including the Project Manager and the Superintendent assigned to the job.  

Steuben Top Out
Steuben Top Out
Steuben Top Out
Steuben Top Out
Steuben Top Out
Steuben Top Out

From an Intern’s Perspective

An excerpt from our Q2 Newsletter

Meet Alexis Gregory!

Alexis Gregory

The second quarter has arrived along with the Summer 2023 Interns! My name is Alexis Gregory, and I’m currently a senior at the University of Saint Francis majoring in Business Administration with a minor in Risk Management and Insurance. Here at Weigand Construction, the culture is unmatched, which has been evident since day one.

This summer, I get the pleasure of working with the Business Development Team as a Marketing Intern. As someone who came in knowing very little about this industry, the people here at Weigand are dedicated to one thing, and that is personal growth. Not only do they continue to build landmarks that impact the lives and communities they serve, but they also help others discover their purpose and set them up for success.

How do they do this? I’ve found in the last couple of weeks that, no matter the skill set or experience level, they never stop asking questions. There are always opportunities to learn more, and that mentality is what sets Weigand apart. Note taking, schedule organization, communication, and people skills are abilities that are remarkably demonstrated here. Every single employee is willing to lend a hand and help out in any way they can. The positive work environment also leaves little room for fear of making mistakes. The culture they’ve instilled encourages learning from your own mishaps and teaching others from your experience.

As an intern in a new industry, it can be overwhelming taking in so much information, and maybe even a little scary. That being said, Weigand Construction makes it their number one priority to instill trust in their employees and anyone they do business with. This assurance is a key value that makes me incredibly thankful that I have the opportunity to learn and grow here.

Lexi Gregory Signature

Alexis Gregory

Business Development and Marketing Intern

Invest in the Future of Construction!

Meet our 2023 Class of Summer Interns!

Summer Interns

Earlier last month, our 2023 class of summer interns had their orientation day! They met with the CEO, President, and the Safety Department to get an insider’s look at our company and our values. They also got to have some fun at a Fort Wayne TinCaps game at Parkview Field!  

Summer Interns

With interns placed in our business development, preconstruction, project management, and field ops divisions, they’re covering a wide swathe of our company’s everyday operations across many of our departments.  

Summer Interns

These 18 students will be working, learning, and receiving hands-on guidance on our jobsites and offices throughout the Midwest. Our team is excited to pour into this group, and we can’t wait to see where the next few months take them in their learning journeys

“I look forward to working with these young men and women this summer as they create a solid foundation for their professional careers!”

Nick Craghead, Staffing Coordinator