Category: Commercial News

Embassy Theatre – Experience the Embassy Celebration Ball & Concert

To celebrate a two-year renovation project, the Embassy hosted a celebration that featured the Avett Brothers and a celebration ball in the new Ballroom. “Experience the Embassy with a Celebration Ball & Concert” was held April 19 at the Embassy. The evening began with a celebration that included dinner, entertainment and a live auction, followed by the Avett Brothers on the Embassy stage. The celebration ball & concert was presented by Weigand Construction.


Lake City Bank – Opens at Ash Skyline Plaza

Lake City Bank is the first commercial space to officially open in the new Ash Skyline Plaza building. The construction of the 4,846sf buildout was started in September 2015 and was completed in January 2016.

Lcb Ashskyline

Great Lakes Capital – Skyline Tower Announcement

Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry announced Great Lakes Capital will develop the residential component of the major development project in downtown Fort Wayne, Skyline Tower. The $40 Million investment will consist of 124 apartments, as well as retail and office space totaling 170,000sf. Retail will be on the first floor, office space on the second floor, and 10 floors of apartment units. This landmark project will be designed by Design Collaborative and built by Weigand Construction.

Skylinetower 1

Skylinetower 2